Assessment Of Finley Water Treatment Plant

Level 2 & Level 3 Inspection and Structural & Durability Assessment of Concrete Structures – Water Treatment Plant

Project Scope

TECHNOCRETE was engaged by Berrigan Shire Council to complete an Inspection and Structural & Durability Condition Assessment of the Finley Water Treatment Plant. This included inspection of Reinforced Concrete Structures including Three Water Filter Tanks and a 20 m Height Water Tower Tank.

Structural and Durability Assessment based on the outcome of NDT Techniques as follows:

  • Concrete Quality utilising Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
  • Compressive Strength (SONREB Method (combining method) utilising Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and Digital Rebound Hammer)
  • Concrete Cover Measurement and Mapping
  • Direct Electrical Resistivity of the Concrete (4-Point Probe or Wenner Method) in accordance with AASHTO T358
  • Steel Corrosion Measurement utilising Galvanostatic Pulse Transient (GPT) Method to measure Corrosion Potential, Corrosion Current Density, and Concrete Electrical Resistance
  • Data Analysis
  • Durability Modelling and Predicting the Residual Service Life of the Structures
  • Recommending Various Repair Methodologies (Method & Material) to achieve Extension of the Service Life by 5, 15, and 25 years.

Project Ref. No. : TC18-P110

Completion Date : 05–May–2018